

谢海波 副教授

E-mail: xiehaibo@ouc.edu.cn

Tel: 0532-82032173



2010.9-2014.6 中国海洋大学,生物科学,理学学士

2014.9-2020.6 中国海洋大学,遗传学,理学博士

2020.8-2022.12 中国海洋大学/广东医科大学联合培养博士后



主要以斑马鱼为模式,从事纤毛病的发病机制研究。近五年共发表SCI论文11篇,其中首作/共首论文7篇,共同通讯2篇。学术成果先后发表在PLoS BiologyPLoS GeneticsPNASCellular and Molecular Life SciencesJournal of Molecular Cell Biology重要学术刊物上。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(2021)、广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2020)、粤东粤西粤北博士博士后人才支持项目等多项科研项目(2021)。获得蔡司.斑马鱼科学研究研究生优秀论文奖(2020)、山东省研究生优秀成果奖2020)、两届山东动物学会齐鲁新星一等奖(2018/2019)、中科院第二届海洋生命科学研究生论坛学术报告优秀奖2018中国海洋大学研究生优秀论文奖2020


1. Haibo Xie#, Yunsi Kang #, Junjun Liu, Min Huang, Zhicheng Dai, Jiale Shi, Shuo Wang, Lanqin Li, Yuan Li, Pengfei Zheng, Yi Sun, Qize Han, Jingjing Zhang, Zezhang Zhu, Leilei Xu, Pamela C. Yelick*, Muqing Cao*, Chengtian Zhao*.Ependymal polarity defects coupled with disorganized ciliary beating drive abnormal cerebrospinal fluid flow and spine curvature in zebrafishPLoS Biology, 2023.(自然指数期刊)

2. Haibo Xie#, Yunsi Kang#, Shuo Wang, Pengfei Zheng, Zhe Chen, Sudipto Roy, Chengtian Zhao*. E2f5 is a versatile transcriptional activator required for spermatogenesis and multiciliated cell differentiation in zebrafish, PLoS Genetics, 2020. (自然指数期刊)

3. Haibo Xie #, Xiaosi Wang#, Minjun Jin, Lanqin Li, Junwen Zhu, Yunsi Kang, Zhe Chen, Yonghua Sun* and Chengtian Zhao*. Cilia Regulate Meiotic Recombination in ZebrafishJournal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2022.

4. Haibo Xie#, Mingzhu Li#, Yunsi Kang#, Jingjing Zhang*, Chengtian Zhao*.  Zebrafish: An important model for understanding scoliosis, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2022.

5. Lijuan Zhao#Haibo Xie#, Yunsi Kang, Yiwen Lin, Gai Liu, Miho Sakato-Antokud, Ramila S. Patel-Kingd, Bing Wange, Cuihong Wane, Stephen M. King, Chengtian Zhaoc*, and Kaiyao Huang*. Heme-binding protein CYB5D1 is a radial spoke component required for coordinated ciliary beating, PNAS, 2021.(自然指数期刊)

6. Han xiao#Xie Haibo#, Wang Yadong, Zhao Chengtian*. Radial spoke proteins regulate otolith formation during early zebrafish development.FASEB J.2018.

7. Kang Yunsi #Xie Haibo #Zhao Chengtian *. Ankrd45 Is a Novel Ankyrin Repeat Protein Required for Cell Proliferation. Genes, 2019. 

8. Xiaolin Jin, Junjun Liu, Shuo Wang, Jiale Shi, Chengtian Zhao, Haibo Xie*, Yunsi Kang*. E2f4 is required for intestinal and otolith development in zebrafish, J Cell Physiol, 2022.

9. Danxu Tang#, Xiaoyu Wang#, Jingyi Dong, Yuan Li, Feng Gao, Haibo Xie* and Chengtian Zhao*. Morpholino-Mediated Knockdown of Ciliary Genes in Euplotes vannus, a Novel Marine Ciliated Model Organism, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020.

10. Zhang Xiaoli , Jia Suo, Chen Zhe, Chong Yanlin, Xie Haibo, Feng Dong, Wu X, Song Zhu, Roy Sudipto, Zhao Chengtian*.Cilia-driven cerebrospinal fluid flow directs expression of Urotensin neuropeptides to straighten the vertebrate body axis. Nature Genetics2018. (自然指数期刊)

11. Feng Dong, Chen Zhe, Yang Kuang, Miao Shanshan, Xu Bolin, Kang Yunsi, Xie Haibo, Chengtian Zhao*. The cytoplasmic tail of rhodopsin triggers rapid rod degeneration in kinesin-2 mutants. JBC, 2017. (自然指数期刊)