• 研究方向


    A. 土壤原生动物的生物多样性和促进植物生长的机制

    B. 土壤原生动物在水产养殖中的应用

    C. 原生动物生活史的调控与演化

    D. 环境胁迫下的病原微生物的突变与演化

    We are interested in evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes, with a focus on mutation rate and life history evolution. The research models are quite broad, including ciliates, bacteria, yeast, etc. Our research strategy combines population genetics theory, experimental evolution, -omics sequencing, genetic techniques, and bioinformatic tools. The lab deems the training of independent researchers as our first task and research as the second. Graduate students would receive complete training of scientific research and multiple undergrad assistants are also provided for their research. We are now exploring the following topics:

    A. Soil protozoa: biodiversity and mechanisms of plant growth promotion

    B. Application of soil protozoa in aquaculture

    C. Regulation and evolution of life history in protozoa

    D. Mutation and evolution of pathogens under environmental stress

  • 招聘/招生




  • 承担课题

    • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2023.01-2026.12;2025.01-2028.12)

    • 山东省“泰山学者”特聘教授项目(2025.01-2029.12)

    • 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目(2019.10-2024.9)

    • 国家海外高层次人才引进项目(2019-2021)

  • 讲授课程

    • 本科生课程:

    • 《微生物学》理论(40课时,2.5学分;春季学期,水产学院;龙红岸独立讲授)

    • 《统计建模与推断》(48课时,3学分;春季学期,海德学院;张俣独立讲授

    • 《模式生物的发育与进化》(32课时,2学分;春季学期,全校通识课,水产学院;龙红岸与其他5位老师合开)

    • 研究生课程:

    • 《生物大数据分析》(公益培训,48课时;负责人:龙红岸,授课团队:进化基因组学实验室全体师生、朱明壮、杨伟等老师)

  • 近期论文及成果

    Recent publications

    Ni, J.; Hao, Y.; Jimenez-Marin, B.; Ali, F.; Pan, J.; Wang, Y.; Deng, Z.; Gout, J.-F.; Zhang, Y.; Lynch, M.; Long, H. 2025. Whole-genome duplications revealed by macronuclear genomes of five rare species of the model ciliates Paramecium. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences (Accepted)

    Pan, J.Wang, Y.; Li, C.; Zhang, S.; Ye, Z.; Ni, J.; Li, H.; Li, Y.; Yue, H.; Ruan, C.; Zhao, D.; Jiang, Y.; Wu, X.; Shen, X.; Zufall, R.A.; Zhang, Y.; Li, W.; Lynch, M.; Long, H. 2024Molecular basis of phenotypic plasticity in a marine ciliate. The ISME Journal 18: wrae136 [Pan et al. ISME J 2024.pdf]

    Li, H.; Wu, K.; Feng, Y.; Gao, C.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Pan, J.; Shen, X.; Zufall, R.A.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, W.; Sun, J.; Ye, Z.;  Li, W.; Lynch, M.; Long, H. 2024. Integrative analyses on the ciliates Colpoda illuminate the life history evolution of soil microorganisms. mSystems 9: e01379-23 [Li et al. mSystems 2024.pdf]

    Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Wang, Y.; Nie, M.; Zhang, K.; Pan, J.; Zhang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Zufall, R.; Lynch, M.; Long, H. 2024. Mitogenomic architecture and evolution of the soil ciliates ColpodamSystems 9: e01161-23 [Zhang et al. mSystems 2024.pdf]

    Long, H.; Johri, P.; Gout, J.F.; Ni, J.; Hao, Y.; Licknack, T.; Wang, Y.; Pan, J.; Berenice Jiménez-Marín; Lynch, M. 2023Paramecium genetics, genomics and evolution. Annual Review of Genetics 57: 391-410 [Long et al. ARG 2023.pdf]

    Lynch, M.; Ali, F.; Lin, T.; Wang, Y.; Ni, J.; Long, H. 2023 The divergence of mutation rates and spectra across the Tree of Life. EMBO Reports e57561 [Lynch et al. EMBO Reports 2023.pdf]

    Ni, J.; Pan, J.; Wang, Y.; Chen, T.; Feng, X.; Li, Y.; Lin, T.; Lynch, M.; Long, H.; Li, W. 2023. An integrative protocol for one-step PCR amplicon library construction and accurate demultiplexing of pooled sequencing data. Marine Life Science and Technology 5:564-572. [Ni et al. MLST 2023.pdf]

    Wu, K.; Li, H.; Cui, X.; Feng, R.; Chen, W.; Jiang, Y.; Tang, C.; Wang, Y.; Shen, X.; Liu, Y.; Lynch, M.; Long, H. 2022Mutagenesis and resistance development of bacteria challenged by silver nanoparticles. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy [Wu et al. AAC 2022.pdf]

    Pan, J.; Li, W.; Ni, J.; Wu, K.; Konigsberg, I.; Rivera, C.; Tincher, C.; Gregory, C.; Zhou, X.; Doak, T.; Lee, H.; Wang, Y.; Gao, X.; Lynch, M.; Long, H. 2022Rates of mutations and transcript errors in the foodborne pathogen Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39(4): msac081[Pan et al. MBE 2022.pdf]

    Long, H.; Miller, S.F.; Williams, E.; Lynch, M. 2018. Specificity of the DNA mismatch repair system (MMR) and mutagenesis bias in bacteria. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(10):2414-2421. [Long et al Mol Biol Evol 2018.pdf   

    Long, H.; Sung, W.; Kucukyildirim,S.; Williams,E.; Miller, S.;Guo, W.; Patterson, C.; Gregory, C.; Strauss, C.; Stone, C.; Berne, C.; Kysela, D.; Shoemaker, W.; Muscarella, M.; Luo, H.; Lennon, J.; Brun, Y.; Lynch, M. 2018. Evolutionary determinants of genome-wide nucleotide composition. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 237-240. [Long et al Nat Ecol Evol 2018.pdf]

    Long, H.; Miller, S.F.; Strauss, C.; Zhao, C.; Cheng, L.; Ye, Z.; Griffin, K.; Te, R.; Lee, H.; Chen, C.; Lynch, M. 2016. Antibiotic treatment enhances the genome-wide mutation rate of target cells. PNAS 113(18): E2498-E2505. [Long et al. PNAS 2016.pdf]

    Long, H.; Kucukyildirim#, S.; Sung, W.; Williams, E.; Lee, H.; Ackerman, M.; Doak, T.; Tang, H.; Lynch, M. 2015. Background mutational features of the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radioduransMolecular Biology and Evolution 32(9): 2383-2392. [Long et al. MBE 2015.pdf]

  • 奖项

    2024 山东省科普创作大赛一等奖

    2021 中国海洋大学优秀教师

    2019 中国海洋大学第21届天泰奖一等奖;中国海洋大学优秀班主任;中国海洋大学第20届五四青年奖

    2018 李氏基金会杰出创新奖

    2016 美国遗传学会DeLill Nasser遗传学职业发展奖

    2018 Li Foundation Heritage Prize-Excellence in Creativity

    2016 DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics, Genetics Society of America

  • 学生















    博士:潘娇 2023.06 (PHD 001),吴琨 2023.06 (PHD 002),李海潮 2024.06 (PHD 003),蒋婉月 2024.06 (PHD 004)

    硕士:周霞 2023.06(MS 001),张渊渊 2024.06 (MS 002)

  • Free lab strains

    Free lab strains upon request: Chaenea PJ13002; Uronema PJ20101A; Glauconema LHA0827; Glauconema LJL43

    Please contact Dr. Hongan Long: longhongan@ouc.edu.cn