教授: 包立随、高 凤、高 珊、李红岩、刘志清、龙红岸、宋微波、苏 颖、孙 进、田 苗、王国庆、王平原、阎 莹、张士璀、张伟鹏、赵呈天、赵 龙
行政及管理人员: 张 川、马洪钢、刘宇杰、杨 伟
进化所专职成员荣誉-人才称号 | |
中国科学院院士 | 宋微波(2015) |
国家杰出青年基金 | 宋微波(1994)、赵呈天(2021)、高 珊(2021) |
教育部长江学者 | 宋微波(1999) |
国务院特殊津贴 | 宋微波(1995)、赵呈天(2022) |
国家百千万人才工程 | 宋微波(1996)、赵呈天(2020) |
全国模范教师 | 宋微波(2004)、张士璀(2014) |
国家优秀青年基金 | 赵呈天(2014)、高 珊(2016)、高 凤(2019)、龙红岸(2019,海外)、张伟鹏(2020,海外)、孙 进(2021,海外)、田 苗(2021,海外) |
教育部青年长江学者 | 包立随(2023) |
万人计划青年拔尖人才 | 高 珊(2018) |
山东省杰出青年基金 | 赵呈天(2015)、高 珊(2017)、高 凤(2020)、田 苗(2022)、孙 进(2023) |
山东省泰山学者特聘专家 | 赵呈天(2012,海外)、龙红岸(2024) |
山东省泰山学者青年专家 | 高 珊(2017)、龙红岸(2018)、吕志一(2019)、孙 进(2020)、阎 莹(2020)、王平原(2022)、包立随(2022)、刘志清(2022)、谢海波(2023)、高凤(2024) |
山东省优秀青年基金 | 包立随(2022,海外) |
● 原核与真核微生物多样性与进化
主要围绕原核、真核、病毒等微型生物的多样性、生物地理学、细胞学、系统发育、表观遗传学、群体遗传学、基因组进化等基础生物学问题。方向包括:(1)聚焦自由生纤毛虫原生动物的多样性与区系分类学,揭示深度分化类群生殖期间细胞器结构分化及模式的形成与演化规律,并探讨各纲-目-科级等高阶阶元间的亲缘关系及大尺度的系统发育与演化,还以四膜虫、游仆虫等为材料,开展以组蛋白翻译后修饰、DNA甲基化、小RNA为主的表观遗传学研究,并阐明减数分裂、有性生殖等重要生理过程中基因的功能及调控机制;(2)解析中国近海、极地、深渊等海域浮游病毒多样性、群落结构、功能及其与宿主、环境因子之间的相互作用,进行不同海洋环境的浮游病毒组学数据库的构建与分析;研究微型、微微型浮游生物多样性、群落结构组成及功能;(3)聚焦深海海沟、热液喷口、边缘海等典型海区的细菌和古菌等微生物,利用系统微生物组等手段,开展海洋微生物的多样性、生物地理学、环境适应机理和生物地球化学作用研究;(4) 利用组学与遗传学理论与方法,以细菌、酵母和原生生物为研究对象,研究基因水平的突变和生活史演化规律。
● 模式动物的发育、再生与进化
● 重要进化节点生物的多样性与系统演化
Institute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity, OUC
The Institute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity (IEMB), officially established in February 2010, is an inter-department institution mainly focused on studies of biodiversity, developmental biology and evolution of marine organisms. IEMB is one of the doctorate authorization units of National Key Discipline of Marine Biology with doctoral programs covering all fields of biology. IEMB has attracted international attention on several cutting-edge research fields, which cover evolution and biodiversity of various organisms.
Up to March 2023, IEMB has 55 faculty and staff members, including 32 full professors. Members of IEMB have won many academic titles, including Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, “Cheung Kong Scholar”, “Taishan Scholar”, and grants such as NSFC for Distinguished Young Scholars, for Outstanding Young Scholars, and 1000 Plan Program for Young Talents.
Main research fields:
● Evolution and biodiversity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes
Centered on studies of biodiversity, biogeography, cytology, phylogeny, epigenetics, population genetics and genome evolution of virus, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes, the main research interests include: (1) species diversity and taxonomy, developmental modes and pattern-formation during reproduction, relationships and systematic positions of taxa at class-order-family level within the phylum Ciliophora, epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, gene functions and molecular mechanisms in important physiological processes using model organisms such as Tetrahymena, Euplotes; (2) diversity, biogeography, biogeochemistry (including carbon, nitrogen and sulphur cycles) and the environmental adaptation of marine microorganisms (bacteria and archaea) in typical sea habitats such as deep-sea trench, hydrothermal vents and marginal seas; (3) biodiversity, community structure and function of virioplanktons as well as their interaction with hosts and environmental factors in China's offshore, polar and deep-sea waters, construction of the -omics databases of virioplanktons in different marine contexts; isolation, purification and genome analysis of strains of cyanophages and their hosts; discovery of novel strains and genes of viruses; picoeukaryotic biodiversity and community structure; (4) –omics and genetics studies on mutation and life history of marine microbial organisms, such as bacteria, yeasts and protists.
● Evolution, regeneration, development of model animals
Our mission emphasizes a creative, inter-discipline approach to the fundamental research into the mechanisms of evolution and development, especially organogenesis and regeneration, using model organisms such as zebrafish, Drosophila, amphioxus, marine tunicate and algae as model animals. Our current research interests include: (1) origin and evolution of neuroendocrine, immune and gustatory systems; (2) cellular processes, signal transduction and regulatory mechanisms of cilia biogenesis and related diseases, biological tube formation, aging, liver development, and cardiac regeneration; (3) growth-arrested mechanisms and immortalization of the cultured cells, and cellular and molecular mechanisms as well as evolutionary history of tissue/organ regeneration; (4) genetic basis and physiological mechanisms underlying environmental adaptation; (5) comparative and evolutionary immunology of fish with emphasis on analyzing the mechanisms driving the structural and functional diversities of key immune molecules and their evolution.
● Diversity and systematics of marine organisms
Study in marine organisms’ morphology, taxonomy, biodiversity, genomics, phylogeny, and population genetics. The main research interests include: (1) morphology, taxonomy, DNA barcoding, phylogeography, speciation and evolution of selected marine invertebrates, such as nemerteans, cephalopods and echinoderms; (2) biodiversity and phylogeny of corals and poriferans, their microbial symbionts; structural and functional diversity and chemical ecology of their secondary metabolites; (3) in vitro cell culture and gene transfer of marine animals such as penaeid shrimps and crabs, mechanism of mitosis-arrest of in vitro cultured shrimp cells, molecular mechanism of tissue regeneration and regeneration-evolution of amphioxus and axolotl.