D. Kong, J. He, Z. Zhang, W. Liu, J Grosshans, Z. Lv* (2025). “Planer-polarized junction association of the Rac GEF ELMO-Sponge contributes to planar polarity and germband extension in Drosophila embryos.” SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, doi https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-024-2778-4
张临杰;崔海涛;李泳洁;郭雅倩;吕志一。基于顶点动力学模型的果蝇胚胎背部闭合过程模拟。数值计算与计算机应用, 2024, 45(3)
N. Zhang#, M. Häring#, F. Wolf, J. Grosshans, D. Kong* (2023). “Dynamics and functions of E-cadherin complexes in epithelial cell and tissue morphogenesis.” Marine Life Science & Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42995-023-00206-w
M. Häring, F. Wolf, J. Grosshans, D. Kong* (2023). “Morphogenesis: Unstable rods and how genetics tames them.” Current Biology 33 (16), R873-R875.
李秋月; 张兆轩;吕志一。果蝇羊浆膜细胞形态发生所需的Rho信号通路组分的RNAi筛选。中国细胞生物学学报, 2023, 45(7): 997-1008
王国庆;尹传淏; 吕志一。果蝇合胞体胚胎中微丝和微管的动态调控。中国细胞生物学学报, 2023, 45(9): 1382-1389
A. Schmidt, T. Finegan#, M. Häring#, D. Kong#, A. G Fletcher, Z. Alam, J. Grosshans, F. Wolf, M. Peifer (2023). “Polychaetoid/ZO-1 strengthens cell junctions under tension while localizing differently than core adherens junction proteins.” Molecular Biology of the Cell, mbc. E23-03-0077
L. Chandran, W. Backer, R. Schleutker, D. Kong, S. AH Beati, S. Luschnig, H-A. J Müller (2023). “Src42A is required for E-cadherin dynamics at cell junctions during Drosophila axis elongation.” Development 150 (2), dev201119
Z. Lv, N. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Großhans, D. Kong* (2022). "The lateral epidermis actively counteracts pulling by the amnioserosa during dorsal closure." Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology10:865397. 1.
D. Kong and J. Großhans* (2022). “Optochemical control of cell contractility in Drosophila embryos.” Christian Dahmann (ed.), Drosophila: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2540, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-2541-5_14.
Y. Fu#, Z. Lv#, D. Kong, Y. Fan, B. Dong* (2022). "High abundance of CDC45 inhibits cellproliferation through elevation of HSPA6." Cell Proliferation55 (7), e13257.
Z. Lv, J. de-Carvalho, I. A. Telley and J. Grosshans*(2021). "Cytoskeletal mechanics and dynamics in the Drosophila syncytial embryo." J Cell Sci 134(4).
A. Roy Choudhury, J. Großhans, D. Kong* (2021). “Ion Channels in Epithelial Dynamics and Morphogenesis.” Cells. 2021 Sep 1;10(9):2280. doi: 10.3390/cells10092280.
Zhao, L.#, F. Gao#, S. Gao#, Y. Liang#, H. Long#, Z. Lv#, Y. Su#, N. Ye#, L. Zhang#, C. Zhao#, X. Wang, W. Song*, S. Zhang* and B. Dong* (2021). "Biodiversity-based development and evolution: the emerging research systems in model and non-model organisms." SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 64(8): 1236-1280.
Schmidt, A.#, L. Li#, Z. Lv, S. Yan and J. Grosshans* (2021). "Dia- and Rok-dependent enrichment of capping proteins in a cortical region." J Cell Sci 134(21).
Lv, Z.*, J. Rosenbaum, S. Mohr, X. Zhang, D. Kong, H. Preiss, S. Kruss, K. Alim, T. Aspelmeier and J. Grosshans* (2020). "The Emergent Yo-yo Movement of Nuclei Driven by Cytoskeletal Remodeling in Pseudo-synchronous Mitotic Cycles." Current Biology 30(13): 2564-2573 e2565.
D. Kong* and J. Großhans (2020). “Planar Cell Polarity and E-Cadherin in Tissue-Scale Shape Changes in Drosophila Embryos.” Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 8:619958, doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.619958.
Lu, Q., Y. Gao, Y. Fu, H. Peng, W. Shi, B. Li, Z. Lv, X.-Q. Feng and B. Dong (2020). "Ciona embryonic tail bending is driven by asymmetrical notochord contractility and coordinated by epithelial proliferation." Development 147(24): dev185868.
Selvaggio, G., A. Chizhik, R. Nissler, L. Kuhlemann, D. Meyer, L. Vuong, H. Preiss, N. Herrmann, F. A. Mann, Z. Lv, T. A. Oswald, A. Spreinat, L. Erpenbeck, J. Grosshans, V. Karius, A. Janshoff, J. Pablo Giraldo and S. Kruss (2020). "Exfoliated near infrared fluorescent silicate nanosheets for (bio)photonics." Nat Commun 11(1): 1495.
Kong, D*.,Z. Lv, M. Haring, B. Lin, F. Wolf and J. Grosshans (2019). "In vivo optochemical control of cell contractility at single-cell resolution." EMBO Rep 20(12): e47755.
Z. Lv, Q. Lu and B. Dong* (2019). "Morphogenesis: a focus on marine invertebrates." Marine Life Science & Technology 1(1): 28-40.
Mann, F. A., Z. Lv, J. Grosshans, F. Opazo and S. Kruss (2019). "Nanobody-Conjugated Nanotubes for Targeted Near-Infrared In Vivo Imaging and Sensing." Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 58(33): 11469-11473.
Z. Lv, J. Rosenbaum, T. Aspelmeier and J. Grosshans* (2018). "A 'molecular guillotine' reveals the interphase function of Kinesin-5." J Cell Sci 131(3).
Schmidt, A.#, Z. Lv# and J. Grosshans* (2018). "ELMO and Sponge specify subapical restriction of Canoe and formation of the subapical domain in early Drosophila embryos." Development 145(2).
Kaiser, F., Z. Lv, D. Marques Rodrigues, J. Rosenbaum, T. Aspelmeier, J. Grosshans and K. Alim *(2018). "Mechanical Model of Nuclei Ordering in Drosophila Embryos Reveals Dilution of Stochastic Forces." Biophys J 114(7): 1730-1740.
D. Kong, F. Wolf, J. Großhans* (2017). “Forces directing germ-band extension in Drosophila embryos.” Mech Dev. 2017 Apr; 144(Pt A):11-22. doi: 10.1016/j.mod.2016.12.001.
A. Prahlad, C. Spalthoff, D. Kong, J. Großhans, M. C. Göpfert, C. F. Schmidt* (2017). “Mechanical properties of a Drosophila larval chordotonal organ.” Biophys J. 2017 Dec 19; 113(12): 2796–2804.
S. Karsch, D. Kong, J. Großhans, A. Janshoff* (2017). “Single cell defects cause a collective and remote mechanical response in a confluent cell layer.” Biophys J. 2017 Dec 19; 113(12): 2601–2608.
Z. Lv, and J. Grosshans *(2016). "A Radial Actin Network in Apical Constriction." Dev Cell 39(3): 280-282.
Winkler, F.#, M. Gummalla#, L. Kunneke#, Z. Lv, A. Zippelius, T. Aspelmeier and J. Grosshans* (2015). "Fluctuation Analysis of Centrosomes Reveals a Cortical Function of Kinesin-1." Biophys J 109(5): 856-868.
Y. Zhang#, D. Kong#, L. Reichl, N. Vogt, F. Wolf, J. Großhans* (2014). “The glucosyltransferase Xiantuan of the endoplasmic reticulum specifically affects E-Cadherin expression and is required for gastrulation movements in Drosophila.” Dev Biol. 2014 Jun 15;390(2):208-20. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.03.007.
Yan, S.#, Z. Lv#, M. Winterhoff#, C. Wenzl, T. Zobel, J. Faix, S. Bogdan and J. Grosshans* (2013). "The F-BAR protein Cip4/Toca-1 antagonizes the formin Diaphanous in membrane stabilization and compartmentalization." J Cell Sci 126(Pt 8): 1796-1805.