
A. 土壤原生动物的生物多样性和促进植物生长的机制

B. 土壤原生动物生物肥料研发

C. 原生动物生活史的调控与演化

D. 环境胁迫下的病原微生物的突变与演化

We are interested in evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes, with a focus on mutation rate and life history evolution. The research models are quite broad, including ciliates, bacteria, yeast, etc. Our research strategy combines population genetics theory, experimental evolution, -omics sequencing, genetic techniques, and bioinformatic tools. The lab deems the training of independent researchers as our first task and research as the second. Graduate students would receive complete training of scientific research and multiple undergrad assistants are also provided for their research. We are now exploring the following topics:

A. Soil protozoa: biodiversity and mechanisms of plant growth promotion

B. Development of soil protozoa-based bio-fertilizers

C. Regulation and evolution of life history in protozoa

D. Mutation and evolution of pathogens under environmental stress