

刘晓收 教授 博士生导师

E-mail: liuxs@ouc.edu.cn

Tel: 0532-82031735







2016年3月至2017年3月,Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, 访问学者



刘晓收教授主要从事生物海洋学特别是海洋底栖生物生态学的教学和研究工作,专长于自由生活海洋线虫和大型底栖动物研究,研究海域包括我国近海自然海区和养殖水域、西太平洋深海海域、南北极地区等。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金1项,生态环境部“生物多样性调查、观测和评估”专项1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目4项、极地专项专题2项、“全球变化与海气相互作用”专项1项,主持大洋协会课题1项、重点实验室开放基金2项,参加了第29次、第32次南极科学考察长城站度夏任务和中美北极新奥尔松地区2020年冬季联合考察。已指导毕业硕士研究生21名,在读博士生3名,硕士生15名,指导的研究生有4人次获得研究生国家奖学金。迄今已发表学术论文73篇,其中SCI、EI收录42篇,参编专著3部。现为中国海洋湖沼学会海洋底栖生物分会理事,担任SCI收录期刊《Frontiers in Marine Science》副编辑(Associate Editor)。

Prof. Dr.XiaoshouLIU: 

Institute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity, OUC.

Research Interests: 

Biological oceanography especially in marine benthic biology and ecology, currently most interested in: (1) Taxonomy, biology and ecology of free-living marine nematodes and macrofauna; (2) Benthic food web and ocean ecosystem dynamics.


1. Zhao MH, Liu QH, Zhang DS, Liu ZS, Wang CS, Liu XS*, 2020. Deep-sea meiofauna assemblages with special reference to marine nematodes in the Caiwei Guyot and a Polymetallic Nodule Field in the Pacific Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111564.

2. Zhong X, Qiu BC, Liu XS*, 2020. Functional diversity patterns of macrofauna in the adjacent waters of the Yangtze River Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154, 111032.

3. Wang J, Wang MX, Ru SG, Liu XS*, 2019. High levels of microplastic pollution in the sediments and benthic organisms of the South Yellow Sea, China. Science of the Total Environment, 651(2): 1661–1669.

4. LiuXS *, LiuQH, Zhang Y, Hua E, ZhangZN, 2018. Effects of Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass on marine nematodes based on biological trait analysis. Marine Environmental Research, 141: 167-185.

5. Wang L, Fan Y, Yan CJ, Gao CZ, Xu ZD, Liu XS*, 2017. Assessing benthic ecological impacts of bottom aquaculture using macrofaunal assemblages. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114(1): 258-268.

6. Liu XS*, Jiang X, Liu QH, Teng AK, Xu WZ, 2016. Distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments in the central Bohai Sea, China: a case study. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(5): 364: 1-14.

7. Xu M, Liu QH, Zhang ZN, Liu XS*, 2016.Response of free-living marine nematodes to the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 105(1): 58-64.

8. Liu XS*, Wang L, Li S, Huo YZ,He PM, Zhang ZN, 2015. Quantitative distribution and functional groups of intertidal macrofaunal assemblages in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Southern Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 99(1-2): 284-291.

9. Liu XS, Xu WZ, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*, 2011. Response of meiofaunal community with special reference to nematodes upon deployment of artificial reefs and cessation of bottom trawling in subtropical waters, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5-12): 376-384.

10. Liu XS, Zhang ZN*, Huang Y, 2007. Sublittoral meiofauna with particular reference to nematodes in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 71(3-4): 616-628.


1、国家自然科学基金面上项目:近60年来渤海大型底栖动物群落结构与功能多样性的动态变化及其影响机制(No. 41976131,2020.01-2023.12),主持;

2、国家自然科学基金面上项目:底栖动物功能多样性对黄海冷水团季节演替的响应机制(No. 41576135,2016.01-2019.12),主持;

3、生态环境部“生物多样性调查、观测和评估”专项:天津、河北和山东渤海滨海湿地大型无脊椎底栖动物调查与评估(No. 2019-3-4,2019.07-2020.6),主持;

4、中国海洋大学基本科研业务费学科(方向)协同发展推进计划项目:海洋底栖生物系统分类与资源保护(No. 201964024,2019.1.1-2021.12.31),主持;

5、自然资源部海洋生态环境科学与工程重点实验室开放基金项目:渤海大型底栖动物群落结构与功能多样性的长期演变过程(No. MESE-2019-08,2019.7-2021.7),主持。