

Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography
Team Leader: Prof. Xiaohua ZHANG                  


    海洋微生物学实验室是在我国著名海洋微生物学家徐怀恕等人于20世纪60年代建立起来的。目前,实验室有5名教师,全部具有博士学位,其中2名教授,2名副教授,1名讲师,另有2名博士后。实验室与英国、美国、比利时、日本等多个国家的实验室建立了合作关系。主要研究方向:海洋微生物多样性;海洋微生物的生物地球化学作用;微生物耐药进化与逆转耐药进化。2019年度发现烷烃降解菌是马里亚纳海沟万米以深水体中的最优势微生物类群,能在低温高压条件下有效降解烷烃, 揭开了世界最深处水体生命的神秘面纱。其次,首次报道了信号分子吲哚通过调控细菌内向转运泵来逆转细菌固有抗生素耐药性,深入揭示了信号分子对细菌抗生素耐药性的动态调控,为消除耐药细菌提供了新的思路。以上科学发现获得了领域内专家的一致认可,相关研究成果于本年度分别发表在顶级杂志microbiome和mbio上。



 张晓华 教授

 E-mail: xhzhang@ouc.edu.cn  




 史晓翀 副教授

 E-mail: shixiaochong@ouc.edu.cn






 王岩 教授

E-mail: wangy12@ouc.edu.cn





 于敏 副教授

E-mail: yumin@ouc.edu.cn  





 刘吉文 讲师

 E-mail: liujiwen@ouc.edu.cn  




 战渊超 副教授

 E-mail: zhanyuanchao@ouc.edu.cn  




国家自然科学基金重点项目 1项,国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点支持项目1项,面上项目4项及青年项目1项


Jiwen Liu, Yanfen Zheng, Heyu Lin, Xuchen Wang, Meng Li, Yang Liu, Meng Yu, Meixun Zhao, Nikolai Pedentchouk, David J. Lea-Smith, Jonathan D. Todd, Clayton R. Magill, Wei-Jia Zhang, Shun Zhou, Delei Song, Haohui Zhong, Yu Xin, Min Yu, Jiwei Tian* and Xiao-Hua Zhang* Proliferation of hydrocarbon-degrading microbes at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. microbiome, (2019) 7:47  https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-019-0652-3

Yan Wang*, Tian Tian, Jingjing Zhang, Xin Jin, Huan Yue, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Liangcheng Du, Fan Bai*, 2019, Indole reverses intrinsic antibiotic resistance by activating a novel dual-function importer. mBio, 2019, Volume 10 Issue 3 e00676-19

D’Hondt S, Inagaki F, Zarikian C, Abrams L, Dubois N, Engelhardt T, Evans H, Ferdelman T, Gribsholt B, Harris R, Hoppie B, Hyun J-H, Kallmeyer J, Kim J, Lynch J, McKinley C, Mitsunobu S, Morono Y, Murray R, Pockalny R, Sauvage J, Shimono T, Shiraishi F, Smith D, Smith-Duque C, Spivack A, Steinsbu B, Suzuki Y, Szpak M, Toffin L, Uramoto G, Yamaguchi Y, Zhang G-L, Zhang X-H, and Ziebis W. 2015. Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from seafloor to basement in deep-sea sediment. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/NGEO2387. (SCI, IF2013: 11.668)

Tang K, Su Y, Brackman G, Cui F, Zhang Y, Shi X, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. MomL, a novel marine-derivedN-acyl homoserine lactonase fromMuricauda olearia. Appl Environ Microbiol, 81:774 –782. (SCI, IF2013: 3.952)

 Zhang Y, Liu J, Tang K, Yu M, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Genome analysis of Flaviramulus ichthyoenteri Th78T in the familyFlavobacteriaceae: insights into its quorum quenching property and potential roles in fish intestine. BMC Genomics, 16:38. (SCI, IF2013: 4.041)

Liu J,Fu B,Yang H, ZhaoM,He B, Zhang X-H*. 2015.Phylogenetic shifts of bacterioplankton community composition along the Pearl Estuary: the potential impact of hypoxia and nutrients. Front Microbiol, 6, 64. (SCI, IF2013: 3.941)

Fu B, Liu J, Yang H, Hsu TC, He B, Dai M, Kao SJ, Zhao M,Zhang X-H*. 2015.Shift of anammox bacterial community structure along Pearl Estuary and the impact of environmental factors. J Geophys Res – Oceans, 120, 2869–2883. (SCI, IF2013: 3.44)

Liu J, Liu X, Wang M, Qiao Y, Zheng Y, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Bacterial and archaeal communities in sediments of the north Chinese marginal seas. Microb Ecol, 70, 105-117. (SCI, IF2013: 3.118)

Jatt AN, Tang K, Liu J, Zhang Z, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Quorum sensing in marine snow and its possible influence on production of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes in marine snow bacterium Pantoea ananatis B9. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 91, 1-13. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)

Liu J, Yu S, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. 2014.Shifts in archaeaplankton community structurealong ecological gradients of Pearl Estuary. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 90, 424-435. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)

Tang K, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Quorum quenching agents: resources for antivirulence therapy. Mar Drugs, 12, 3245-3282. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)

Liu J, Yang H, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Spatial distribution patterns of benthicmicrobial communities along Pearl Estuary. Syst Appl Microbiol. 37,  578-589. (SCI, IF2013: 3.366)

Tang K, Zhang Y, Yu M, Shi X, Coenye T, Bossier P, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Evaluation of a new high-throughput method for identifying quorum quenching bacteria. Sci Rep, 3, 2935. (SCI, IF2013: 5.078)

Yu M, Tang K, Liu J, Shi X, Gulder TAM, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Genome analysis ofPseudoalteromonas flavipulchra JG1 reveals various survival advantages in marine environment. BMC Genomics 14:707. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-707. (SCI, IF2013: 4.041)

Yin Q, Fu B, Li B, Shi X, Inagaki F and Zhang X-H*. 2013. Spatial variations in microbial community composition in surface seawater from the ultra-oligotrophic center to rim of the South Pacific Gyre. PLOS ONE 8(2), e55148. (SCI, IF2013: 3.534)

Wang B, Yu T, Dong X, Zhang Z, Song L, Xu Y, Zhang X-H*. 2013.Edwardsiella tarda invasion of fish cell lines and the activation of divergent cell death pathways. Vet Microbiol, 163, 282-289 (SCI, IF2013: 2.726)

