

Laboratory of Cilia Biology & Organogenesis
Team Leader: Prof. Chengtian ZHAO

研究方向 (Research)

     纤毛普遍存在于高等动物细胞内,在胚胎发育过程中发挥重要生物学功能。纤毛发育异常可引起眼睛、肾脏等多个器官的病变,是导致多种人类遗传疾病形成的重要原因。本课题组致力于研究纤毛发育的分子基础,以斑马鱼为主要模式动物,结合分子生物学,遗传学及生物化学等多种手段解析纤毛发育的分子机制,通过构建多种疾病的动物模型研究其致病机理,为最终纤毛疾病的治疗打下基础。课题组近期的研究成果先后发表在EMBO Journal,Nature Cell Biology,  PNAS 以及PLOS Genetics等国际前沿刊物上。

Cilia exist in many phyla from protozoa to mammalian cells and play diverse biological functions. Disruption in cilia function has been linked to many human genetic disorders, collectively termed as ciliopathies. Our lab is interested in the study of mechanisms underlying ciliogenesis using multiple organisms, including zebrafish, mouse and ciliates. Particularly, we focus on the role of cilia during organogenesis and deciphering the underlying transport mechanisms inside cilia.

研究队伍 (PI)


   赵呈天 教授

   Chengtian Zhao





承担课题 (Fundings)

· 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金

· 国家自然科学基金委面上及青年项目各1项

· 山东省泰山学者支持经费

· 山东省杰出青年基金项目

· 教育部新世纪优秀人才项目

· 中国海洋大学筑峰人才工程启动经费

· 海洋科学国家实验室鳌山人才青年学者项目

近期论文及成果 (Selected publications)

1.        Han X, Xie H, Wang Y, Zhao C. Radial spoke proteins regulate otolith formation during early zebrafish development. FASEB J. 2018.doi: 10.1096/fj.201701359R.

2.        Feng D, Chen Z, Yang K, Miao S, Xu B, Kang Y, Xie H, Zhao C. The cytoplasmic tail of rhodopsin triggers rapid rod degeneration in kinesin-2 mutants. J Bio Chem. 2017;292(42):17375-17386.

3.        Song Z, Zhang X, Jia S, Yelick PC, Zhao C. Zebrafish as a Model for Human Ciliopathies. J. Genet. Genomics. 2016 43:107-120.

4.        Zhao C, Andreeva V, Gibert Y, LaBonty M, Lattanzi V, Prabhudesai S, Zhou Y, Zon L, McCann KL, Baserga S, Yelick PC. Tissue specific roles for the ribosome biogenesis factor Wdr43 in zebrafish development. PLoS Genet. 2014 10(1):e1004074co-correspondence

5.        Zhao C, Omori Y, Brodowska K, Kovach P, Malicki J: Kinesin-2 family in vertebrate ciliogenesis. PNAS 2012 109(7):2388-93.

6.        Zhao C, Malicki J. Nephrocystins and MKS proteins interact with IFT particle and facilitate transport of selected ciliary cargos. EMBO J. 2011;30(13):2532-44.

7.        Omori Y, Zhao C, Saras A, Mukhopadhyay S, Kim W, Furukawa T, Sengupta P, Veraksa A, Malicki J. Elipsa is an early determinant of ciliogenesis that links the IFT particle to membrane-associated small GTPase Rab8. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 10(4):437-44.
