高珊 博士,教授
E-mail: shangao@ouc.edu.cn
Tel: 0532-82031935
迄今已在国际主流刊物发表论文20余篇。曾获2010年山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果一等奖和2013年国际原生动物学家学会Holz-Conner Award。
Prof. Dr. Shan GAO:
Ph.D., Protozoology
Research Interests:
Research is aimed at understanding how epigenetic information affects gene expression and DNA replication; and how the related gene families evolved in eukaryotes.
Over 20publications inpeer-reviewed journals.
Honors and Awards:
2010 Science and Technology Innovation Award for Graduate Students (Shandong Province,First prize)
2013 Holz-Conner Award