王岩 Prof. Yan WANG




王岩 博士生导师,教授

E-mail: wangy12@ouc.edu.cn

Tel: 0532-82032721


海洋资源微生物多样性与开发;细菌遗传及群体感应与群体感应淬灭的调控机制。研究成果在PLoS Genetics,ACS Synthetic Biology,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,Journal of Bacteriology等领域内高水平杂志发表,授权专利1项;入选2016年中国科协“青年人才托举工程”,获得2014年山东省优秀博士论文。


Prof. Yan WANG: Professor

Honors and Awards: 

Young elite scientists sponsorship program by CAST (2016), Excellent PHD thesis of shandong province in 2014.

Research Interest: 

Microbial diversity and development of Marine resources,The regulation of bacterial quorum sensing and quorum quenching.