刘志清 Prof. Zhiqing LIU


刘志清 教授,博士生导师



E-mail: liuzhiqing@ouc.edu.cn

Tel: 0532-82031503



从事海洋天然产物分子结构、生物活性多样性研究,作用机制以及先导化合物的发现。发表SCI论文20余篇,其中第一作者(含共一)SCI文章15篇;申请专利7项,获授权2项;获得美国克罗恩病和炎性肠病基金会(Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, CCFA)Research Fellowship Award资助;参编两部著作章节;多次受邀为RSC AdvanceBioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry等杂志审稿人。


B.Sc.Pharmaceutical Engineering, Shandong Normal University (2005-2009)

Ph. D.Medicinal Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009-2014)


工作经历/Work Experience:

Postdoc Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch (2014.06-2019.08)

ProfessorInstitute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity, Ocean University of China (2019.9- )


研究兴趣/Research Interests:

1)Marine natural products: divergent total synthesis and utilization of privileged scaffold.

2)Design, synthesis and biological evaluations of small molecules as chemical probes or lead compounds for cancer, inflammations, infectious disease, CNS disorders and other human diseases.



1)Research Fellowship Award from Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America.



代表性论著/Selected Publication:

1)Liu, Z.*, Wang, P., Wold, E.A., Song, Q., Zhao, C., Wang, C.* and Zhou, J.* Small-Molecule Inhibitors Targeting the Canonical WNT Signaling Pathway for the Treatment of Cancer. J. Med. Chem.,2021, 64 (8), 4257-4288.

2)Liu, Z.; Chen, H.; Wang, P.; Li, Y.; Wold, E. A.; Leonard, P. G.; Joseph, S.; Brasier, A. R.; Tian, B.; Zhou, J. Discovery of Orally Bioavailable Chromone Derivatives as Potent and Selective BRD4 Inhibitors: Scaffold Hopping, Optimization, and Pharmacological Evaluation. J. Med. Chem., 2020, 63, 5242-5256.

3)Niu, Q.#Liu, Z.#; Alamer, E.; Fan, X.; Chen, H.; Endsley, J.; Gelman, B. B.; Tian, B.; Kim, J. H.; Michael, N. L.; Robb, M. L.; Ananworanich, J.; Zhou, J.; Hu, H. Structure-guided drug design identifies a BRD4-selective small molecule that suppresses HIV. J. Clin. Invest. 2019, 129, 3361-3373. (#co-first author)

4)Liu, Z.; Tian, B.; Chen, H.; Wang, P.; Brasier, A. R.; Zhou, J. Discovery of potent and selective BRD4 inhibitors capable of blocking TLR3-induced acute airway inflammation. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2018, 151, 450-461.

5)Tian, B.#Liu, Z.#; Yang, J.; Sun, H.; Zhao, Y.; Wakamiya, M.; Chen, H.; Rytting, E.; Zhou, J.; Brasier, A. R. Selective Antagonists of the Bronchiolar Epithelial NF-κB-Bromodomain-Containing Protein 4 Pathway in Viral-Induced Airway Inflammation. Cell Rep. 2018, 23, 1138-1151. (#co-first author)