赵呈天 Prof. Chengtian ZHAO




赵呈天 博士,教授




E-mail: chengtianzhao@gmail.com

Tel: 0532-82032962


2012至今      中国海洋大学教授

2009-2012    Tufts University    Research Associate

2006-2009     哈佛大学医学院眼科系博士后

1999-2006    清华大学生物系博士研究生


目前主要从事以斑马鱼为模式生物的发育生物学研究,聚焦在纤毛发生的分子基础以及视神经细胞的凋亡机理等方面,在研究纤毛内Kinesin的功能以及人类MKS,NPHP纤毛遗传病的发病机理等方面取得了系列的研究成果。目前共发表SCI科研论文10余篇,他引超过200次,科研论文发表在 EMBO Journal,Nature Cell Biology,  PNAS 以及Development Biology等核心刊物上,受到了广泛的引用和关注。

Prof. Dr. Chengtian ZHAO

Research Interests: 

 We are interested in using genetic, cellular, and biochemical approaches to study the mechanism of ciliogenesis using zebrafish as a model system. Particularly, we are interested in the mechanism of protein transport inside the cilia. For example, we would like to learn the protein transport mechanism in the photoreceptor connecting cilium, whose defects may cause photoreceptor degeneration.

Recent selected publications:

1) Zhao CT, Omori Y, Brodowska K, Kovach P, Malicki J: Kinesin-2 family in vertebrate ciliogenesis. PNAS Direct submission), 2012 109(7):2388-93.  (IF=9.8)

2) Zhao C T, Malicki J. Nephrocystins and MKS proteins interact with IFT particle and facilitate transport of selected ciliary cargos. EMBO J. 2011;30(13):2532-44. (IF=10.1)

3) Omori Y, Zhao C T, Saras A, Mukhopadhyay S, Kim W, Furukawa T, Sengupta P, Veraksa A, Malicki J. Elipsa is an early determinant of ciliogenesis that links the IFT particle to membrane-associated small GTPase Rab8. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 10(4):437-44. (IF=19.6)

4) Zhao C T, Malicki J.  Genetic defects of pronephric cilia in zebrafish. Mech Dev. 2007 124(7-8):605-16. (IF=3.5)

5) Penberthy W T, Zhao C T, Zhang Y, Jessen J R, Yang Z, Bricaud O, Collazo A, Meng A M, Lin S. Pur alpha and Sp8 as opposing regulators of neural gata2 expression. Dev Biol. 2004 ,275(1): 225-34. (Equally contribute). (IF=5.4)